Saturday 14 June 2008

The Nafos

To all NAFM officials, please read all of this document as it explain the Nafos, and answer some old questions

Greetings to all!
Here is my proposal for a single currency for the NAFM, it is called the Nafos, the symbol is: €n and the ISO Code is: NNA. The subunit of the Nafos will be the Tsentas, the symbol for the Tsentas will be: ts. Currently i have only done one Nafos bank note (see below for sample) incase we decide not to adapt the Nafos, aditional information: the reverse (back) of the bank notes are the same as the obverese (front) of the bank notes.

The Nafos will only be adapted by the member states who want to adapt it, i can see the states like Gemnoviag and Avalon will decide not to. The Nafos has many security features... THAT ACTUALY WORK! I am very proud of making the prototype, i will make a video and post it here soon deplaying the security features.

If we decide to adapt the Nafos, we will need to establish a NAFMCB (or NAFM Central Bank) to manage the currency. I think the exchange rate for the currency should be €n1 for £1 (British) in US currency this would be €n1 for $1.95.

Now, your probably thinking, "wait one moment... hasn't this already been done in the microational community? Hasn't UNAM done this and that this is plagiarism?", the answer in short: NO! The UNAM, (i need to state this so that we get the whole picture out of the way to make way for new plans) The UNAM has copied countless articles from the EU, and the EU's website (which have a copyright policy on, which i have seen, and UNAM is breaking it completely), aswell as various other European countries, primarily Slovenia. They also try to claim to other micronations that they copy them, when they dont, they have done this to their ally "Ashbourton" on one occasion, when they were first starting to get to know each other, here is the link to prove it, Ashbourton even put forward a proposal for sanctions on Acadame north (just so you all know, many members of the UNAM spell Acadame north as "Academe north" as a spelling mistake so when you see the post title it is not a different nation.

In fact i got the idea from the EU, i have always wanted to created a Slavic styled nation (Kaznia) which is in an EU styled organisation (NAFM), when you have another nation who is already doing this, there is tension..which we (Kaznia) did'nt start by the way. I tried my hardest to make the NAFM differ from the UNAM, but enough is enough! I live in the EU and i love the EU, i regard it as my second nationality! (1st being Kaznian, 2nd being EU, 3rd Being English/UK), so for some one who lives in North America who is trying to make a European Union styled organisation, and not allowing me to do one (i actually live in Europe) is actually quite offensive. They have lied about every thing they have said about us in an effort to make us look bad or like a "criminal organisation", for example "Kaznia will take over your nation as they have done to other ones", erm, no, we don't do that, what about this one "You have sweared at various SFRAN officials", i lost my temper with one because he lied about Kaznia and ignored what i was saying to him, and this one "Kaznia has broken several international copyright laws", after (quick) research that i and my friends (who are also in the Kaz government) we found that there are no such international laws saying that an organisation cannot be established simply because they are similar to each other. Any other questions please email either Me or my Minister of Foreign Relations:

King Dudley Stein
Foreign Minister George Pittick

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